16, Jun 2023
Why solar power is a good option for homeowners

Solar Power is a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to conventional electricity. It does not emit greenhouse gases, so it’s a better option than traditional power sources like those used in power plants. Solar energy is also a good option for homeowners who want to reduce their electric bills.


Solar power is often undervalued in many studies, especially those done by utilities to determine the “value of solar”. This problem often occurs during these projects.

This is a source of renewable energy

Solar energy is a renewable source of electricity that produces no greenhouse gases. It also reduces air pollutants, which can cause asthma and damage water and soil ecosystems. Solar energy reduces the carbon dioxide emissions which contribute to climate changes, while also using less water than traditional energy sources.

Solar energy is a renewable and abundant resource that can be used virtually anywhere. Solar power systems can be used to generate electricity in remote areas, where other sources are difficult to access. Solar power can also be used to combat the urban heat island effect, where cities are hotter because of asphalt/concrete absorbtion and tall buildings that block wind/sunlight circulation.

Photovoltaic cells (PVs) and solar thermal power (CSP) can both be used to generate solar energy. PV systems use mirrors, tracking technologies, and other methods to focus sunlight onto a fluid for electricity or thermal storage. CSP plants use parabolic troughs (solar towers), linear Fresnel receptors, and solar towers to track and focus sunlight for electricity and thermal storage.

This is a source of clean energy

Solar energy is a green form of energy which can also reduce your electricity bill. Solar panels convert sunlight to thermal and electrical power that can be used in homes, businesses and public buildings. They can also be used for heating water, either commercially or residentially.

Photovoltaics and Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power (CSP) are the two main types of solar energy technologies. When photons hit solar cells, they create electricity by knocking the electrons out of their orbits and into an electrical field within the cell.

Solar technology is one way to solve the challenges of our electric system. SEIA supports policies that encourage solar growth at the local, state and federal level.

You can afford it

Solar energy is becoming more affordable for homeowners. You can even earn extra money by selling extra electricity to the grid. Energy demand peaks between 11:00-16:00.

Solar installation costs can be further reduced with a federal 30% tax credit, by state loan programs, and through financing options like power purchase agreements. Community solar also allows you to participate in larger projects and earn credits towards your electric bill.

Compare prices between multiple solar panel installers before purchasing. EnergySage Marketplace offers a comparison tool that allows you to quickly compare quotes from pre-screened solar installers.

This is a source of sustainable energy

Solar energy is a green source of electricity, as it does not pollute the soil or water with harmful chemicals. Solar energy is also a renewable source of power that does not consume a lot of water. This makes it incredibly appealing to countries with limited resources.

Solar power can be used almost anywhere, even in places that receive little sunlight. Batteries allow solar power to be stored and used even when it’s cloudy.

Photovoltaic panels can convert sunlight into electricity. They are used in solar panels and on roofs. Photovoltaics can be used on a small scale to heat water or cook food. Large solar plants use concentrated systems that focus the sun’s energy onto receivers which heat liquid reservoirs.
